Friday, June 28, 2019

Our Morrigan Moment

This is a personal story about a statue of The Morrigan we acquired at Pagan Spirit Gathering.

The New Morrigan Statue
Taking a break from the heavy shit of PSG to talk about a cute thing from PSG.

This year Deer Camp had a group shrine that was well populated for the first time.  I initially set it up with my primary Gods--Set, Sekhmet, and Wepwawet--and a little section for the Venus of Willendorf who I honor as a Mother Earth Goddess and the Sorcerer of the Cave of Three Brothers who I honor as a Horned Earth God.  Ben then contributed statues of Hekate and Hermes.

But my girlfriend did not have a statue of her Goddess--the Morrigan--to put on the shrine.  I started looking for one as a gift, and she started bidding on one at the silent auction.

Then came the Magickal Gift Exchange, in which you wrap a gift, put it on the ground, and somebody else picks it up to keep.  We all walk around the circle and I pick up one that stuck out to me for whatever reason.

We all sit down and open our gifts, and I could immediately tell when I looked inside it was a statue.  I silently hoped "please, please be The Morrigan."  I'm not super familiar with The Morrigan so when I saw the statue I thought "I... think that's her?"  I sneaked a peek at the base, and yup, that's exactly who she was!  So she went right to my girlfriend and then right on the shrine.

I don't have any lesson or anything here... I just really like this memory and wanted to share it!

Happy trails,
-- Setkheni-itw

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